SCIENCE First Hand №5(17) In search of the big bang's energy. ИНФОЛИО . ИНФОЛИО 2007. Купить хорошую книгу.
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«SCIENCE First Hand №5(17) In search of the big bang's energy». ИНФОЛИО

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128 стр.; тираж: 1000 экз.;
Кто продает:
«Редакция журнала "НАУКА из первых рук" издатель ООО "ИНФОЛИО"» (контакты)
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Описание книги

«SCIENCE First Hand №5(17) In search of the big bang's energy». ИНФОЛИО. 2007

High temperature plasma obtained under laboratory conditions impresses us with its self-organization and response to an external force

International Uranium Enrichment Centerin Siberia: enriched uranium to be used exclusively for peaceful applications

Biochips are a diagnostic technology of the twenty-first century

Curare alkaloids turned out to be the best for surgical anesthesia

The Fur Season is the tale of the hunters of the taiga Old-Ugrian tribe of Bears

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